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What is #PowerMovesOnly ?

 #PowerMovesOnly is a brand that promotes a certain type of lifestyle. If you are living your life in a way that everything you do, every move you make, is to become your version of successful, then you already adhere to this lifestyle. Remember, success doesn't look the same to everyone, neither does a power move. This brand and page was created to highlight those success-oriented lifestyles, while inspiring others along the way. 


The brand originally started to inspire the next generation. The kids who didn't have goals set for their future. The one's who weren't actively working towards anything. If the lifestyle this brand promotes could give them that inspiration, then that would have been considered a success. Then it was realized #PowerMovesOnly could apply to a wide range of people. Young, old, and everything in between. It is never too late to try and make every move a power move. In other words it is never too late to make everything you do a step towards becoming your version of successful. If the only moves you are making are power moves, it leaves no room to waste time.  

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